I actually did a practical assignment for one of my packet classes. We were asked to write a philosophy of life. This is mine:
Richard Paul Evans' wrote a book titled The Four Doors: A Guide to Joy, Freedom, and a Meaningful Life. Throughout the book he goes into detail on his "four doors": believe there's a reason you were born, free yourself from limitation, magnify your life, and develop a love-centered map. The entire book is my philosophy of life. Every quote motivates me and reminds me that there is so much that I have the potential to do and to become.
His first door is "believe there's a reason you were born". This is an amazing philosophy to have. We were all sent here for an incredible reason that we must discover on our own. Evans says, "We are not a mistake of God or nature." I strongly believe that and hold onto that throughout my life. We must first believe that we have a purpose before we can find it.
His second door is "free yourself from limitation". Evans says, "To achieve our life mission we must be free to achieve it." We cannot let our limitations control our success. The only time we ever fail is when we give up and quit. And another book of Evans he says, "We can be victims of circumstance or masters of our own fate, but make no mistake...we cannot be both." We can choose to be limited by our trials and our circumstances or we can let them build us up and allow us to succeed in ways that we never would have been able to do before. Limitations are not met to limit us and they only do that if we allow them to. Their real purpose is to strengthen our strengths and to eventually become our strengths.
His third door is "magnify your life". Wayne Gretzky said, "You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take." The best way to magnify our lives is to take advantage of opportunities. Our purpose in life is found through opportunity, so why would we allow ourselves to miss the chance of finding that purpose by letting an opportunity pass? If something feels right, then act on it. The best path to take is the one lead by the heart.
His final door is "develop a love-centered map". The best description I have of this is a quote by the author, "Love, for the sake of love, will always be enough. And if our lives are but a single flash in the dark hollow of eternity, then, if, but for the briefest of moments, we shine--then how brilliantly our light has burned. For darkness has no power to quell such light. All light is eternal and all love is light." If we take love out of a romantic setting and place it in the way we see and treat others, in the time we spend with our families, and in the image we see of ourselves, then it will always be enough. There are times in our lives that we may not feel loved, but as long as we always feel love for those around us, then we will be happy.
All four doors combine beautifully into an entire philosophy. Know that there is a reason you were born, free yourself from limitation, magnify your life, and develop a love-centered map. That is my philosophy of life and through it I have been promised joy.