Thursday, March 14, 2013

Through My Looking Glass

I am a teenager like any other. I live a psychosane life of emotional roller coasters, but no matter how much someone tries to say they understand me, they have never ridden my roller coaster and I have not ridden there's. Someone not too long ago said to me, "Now you know how I feel." I immediately responded bluntly by saying, "I don't think I know how you feel. I'll never really understand how someone feels as much as I may think I do." Because they have not ridden my roller coaster and I have not ridden there's. So, I'm taking you along for the ride to give you a glimpse through my looking glass.

I am at the extremely exciting age of sixteen. Don't ever listen to people when they say turning sixteen doesn't change anything. It changes everything! It's like you took your first real breath on your own. It's freedom and it's a crazy roller coaster of first cars, first dates, first kisses, and new experiences (all of which have been very exciting). I am also at the age where I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. It changes from time to time. English teacher, writer, psychologist. At the moment I'm heading in the direction of a drama/writing therapist. Two things I love and two things I can't live without. I currently teach piano (teaching I don't love, piano I do, but its the only job I can get). Word of advice, don't take piano from me, I don't have the patience and I love pianos, therefore I want to be playing them more than I want to hear you play. I don't get along with people like me, piano hoggers. I also love to write, except my most recent piece of work is from last April...another reason why I have created this blog. I live in a family of one boy, four girls, a sister-in-law, and a dog. I got dropped off at the last of the line, but like I always, but never say. Last the best of all the game.

I'll share secrets, jokes, music, talents, stories (both fiction and true), and many many thoughts with you as you look through my looking glass. I hope you enjoy the ride.

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