This scripture cannot ring more true. We are free to choose. We are given two very clear paths in our lives and we have been blessed with the agency to choose which path we want to pursue. For me, the path I have chosen has been very clear all my life. I have always chosen the way of the Lord and by it I know that you cannot find true happiness and joy outside of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And like any path we take, there are two directions: forward and back. Choose the path of everlasting death and you can return to the crossroad. Choose the path of eternal life and you can still return to the crossroad. But know that the path of eternal life is true freedom, true joy, and true happiness while the path of everlasting death is true bondage, true suffering, and true despair. I cannot say my life has been unhappy, because I have always had the gospel and I have always believed in it. I choose early in life which path I would pursue and although there were times that I took a few steps back I know that I am further down that path than I have ever been before. I love this gospel and love my God. Through God I am set free.

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